Cours et modules ofppt cours ista isgi isht ishr ita. Today, automobiles play an unimaginable role in the social, economic and industrial growth of any country. Present progressive uses actions happening now future plants and arrangements. An automobile is a wheeled vehicle carrying its motive power unit. Cours et modules ofppt telecharger pdf ofppt maroc. Ppt moteurs pas pas powerpoint presentation free to. Lentreprise et son enviroment telecharger module 03.
This is prior learning or a practical skill that is strongly recommended before enrolment in this module. Since seventeenth century, several attempts have been made to design and construct a practically operative automobile. An automobile or automotive is a vehicle that is capable of propelling itself. Module 03 tsc utilisation des outils bureautiques ofppt. Une politique volontariste qui sest concretisee par. Pdf cours et formation bureautique pdf ofppt cours. Pdf apprendre word bureautique pdf ofppt cours bureautique.